Mutt new email status message force show


I am using mutt with remote gmail account where have gmail labels/folders as mutt mailboxes. When I am in some folder and mutt synchronizes it says in status:

 `You have new email in =Debian/Devel and ...`

Is there a way to show this message on demand? Not only with the first sync ? After is disappears I cannot show it again. I would like to know where are new emails. Hitting $ does not solve this problem, so it does not imap-fetch-mail.

Alternatively maybe there is a way to set status message with a script ?


Posted 2014-03-06T12:14:42.187

Reputation: 886



So apparently, showing this message again can be triggered by pressing . which is bound to buffy-list command.

If you want to have a script shown in status message, one needs to pipe output of the script into a status-format.


Posted 2014-03-06T12:14:42.187

Reputation: 886