Force Mac to detect displays?



I have a Mac mini in a somewhat complex home-theatre setup. Often the Mac won't correctly recognize the TV as a display. The TV will just report "No signal". There are two methods to recover from this state.

  1. Unplug the display cable from the Mac and plug it back in
  2. Sleep the Mac and wake it up again.

Both are a bit cumbersome. Is there any way to force the Mac to re-detect or re-initialize it's displays? I've tried Command-F2 and a couple AppleScripts but nothing seemed to work.


Posted 2009-11-19T00:00:20.537

Reputation: 375



This is really old but I found a solution that still works in OS X 10.11.2:

hit cmd + "brightness up" for display detection and cmd + "brightness down" to switch between mirror and extend display modes. It seems to be the brightness keys and not necessarily the F1 and F2 key.


Posted 2009-11-19T00:00:20.537

Reputation: 156


Just press the option key while you're in Displays in System Preferences. You'll get a Detect displays button (bottom right).


Posted 2009-11-19T00:00:20.537

Reputation: 285

1Good tip, but it's hard to press a button when you can't see the display :) – amrox – 2016-03-15T19:53:03.673

Nope the button does not work. – Sephethus – 2016-11-25T23:45:39.543

2Great -- option key does the magic. Wonder why they hide it!? – DustinB – 2013-04-08T19:09:41.787

2Unfortunately even this doesn't seem to always work. It still splits over two displays :( – Nicholas Tolley Cottrell – 2013-08-08T18:42:18.933


In the displays prefplane, there is a checkbox "Show displays in menu bar". If you check it, you get this somewhat strange new icon in the menu bar that has "Detect Displays" as its first option.


Posted 2009-11-19T00:00:20.537

Reputation: 3 544


Here is an AppleScript someone wrote for 10.4 which may help you:


Posted 2009-11-19T00:00:20.537

Reputation: 2 787


In the displays prefpane there is a button 'detect displays' (But I'm on a MacBook, not a mini with a TV.)

Justin Love

Posted 2009-11-19T00:00:20.537

Reputation: 966

The problem is that I can't see the screen to click the button in the prefpane. I've tried scripting it and binding it to a hotkey but had no success. – amrox – 2010-02-26T15:03:17.430

Ah... I've been using with secondary monitor - the laptop has it's primary built in.

Are you able to plug in a working monitor and get the cursor and/or keyboard focus in position? – Justin Love – 2010-02-26T15:45:52.553