Why should I type the full name with extension in start menu?


In Windows' start menu when I type services it doesn't show any results, but when I type services.msc it shows results.

What is the reason?

For regedit.exe I can leave the suffix off. Why does services.msc need the suffix? Why is the suffix .msc necessary when .com and .exe can be left off of commands?

Karthik Surianarayanan

Posted 2014-02-28T05:40:50.440

Reputation: 176

Question was closed 2014-06-06T06:13:08.063

Is this a general learning question or are you actually looking for a solution to this problem? Also have you done any research which might lead you to an answer? – Matthew Williams – 2014-02-28T08:43:36.020

2@MatthewWilliams This is a general question. I just wanted to know the reason. – Karthik Surianarayanan – 2014-02-28T09:03:54.003

General questions are off topic. We need people to ask real-world questions about real-world issues they are having – Canadian Luke – 2014-06-04T18:06:22.310



This is probably a left-over convention from the old DOS days.

When you typed the name of a program, DOS automatically checked if there was a file named

{what you typed in} + .bat / .exe / .com

If there is no file of that name with with either .exe .bat or .com extension then your command failed, because there was no 'program' by that name.

nowadays in MS Windows you can type the full name of other files such as myfile.xls, and windows will fire up the corresponding application that can deal with the file.

.msc is one of those types of file, it needs a program to interpret and 'run' the file. I think it fires up mmc.exe


Posted 2014-02-28T05:40:50.440

Reputation: 426

If I type services into my search bar I get the correct result. Which OS's would your answer be relevant to? – Matthew Williams – 2014-02-28T14:41:36.090

the start menu is usually a place for executable programs, since services is not executable by itself, it won't show up in the start menu? – Loopo – 2014-02-28T14:48:35.670

| Yes this is generally true, but the OP is discussing services not showing up in a start menu search without the extension, which I can do perfectly fine without the extension indicating your answer is incorrect. Might you be able to explain this discrepancy? Thanks. – Matthew Williams – 2014-02-28T14:52:05.327

2This is probably due to a setting you can find in File explorer under Organise/Folder and Search Options / Search / Find Partial Matches. Program files will be a full match even without the extension whereas other types of files will need to be typed in with an extension – Loopo – 2014-02-28T14:56:30.863

1Thanks for the information and clarification. Rather interesting. – Matthew Williams – 2014-02-28T15:00:36.350