I recently created a free web hosting account on x10Hosting. Let's use www.example.x10host.com as my example domain. Before signing up for the domain, I visited the domain to see if it was available. When I saw that it was, I registered it, and immediately went to go look at it on Google Chrome. I still got the "Domain Available" message, so I tried again in 10 minutes, and still got the still got the message. I tried later in Firefox and got it as well. The next day, I tried it in Internet Explorer, and it worked. I am assuming that I now have an outdated cache of the page stored for both Chrome and Firefox. How can I clear just the cache for that specific page so that it will load normally?
You might want to look into this answer. It solves your actual problem of clearing the cache pertaining to a specific website (which is currently opened) and not the whole browser.
– RBT – 2017-07-19T05:32:04.403Same way as in IE "ctrl"+"F5" – Ramhound – 2014-02-26T02:35:19.533