How to create an email template when default email handler doesnot support file template?


How to set up a template so that when I double click it, an email handler opens with the preset addresses, Header and Body?

if Outlook is installed, this link gives a solution. But what if the default email handler does not support a template file, say Mail of windows 8?


Posted 2014-02-18T16:14:27.043

Reputation: 1 427



save the following in an .html file:

window.onload = window.location.href = "mailto:MAILADDR1,MAILADDR2...?subject=ABC&body=XYZ";

replace MAILADDR1, MAILADDR2 ... with the desired preset email addresses separating them with a comma, ABC with desired subject/header, XYZ with desired body.

double clicking the .html will open the default browser, and automatically default email handler will open with the preset addresses, header and body


Posted 2014-02-18T16:14:27.043

Reputation: 1 427