How to create shortcut that opens Outlook PAB file (Personal Address Book)


I would like to place a shortcut on my desktop that points to my .PAB file and opens it. There is no file association for .PAB files.

I tried to open with outlook.exe but that gives me an error about incorrect command line parameters.

I tried the Windows address book program (c:\program files\outlook express\wab.exe) but that fails likewise.

This article Create a Desktop shortcut to an Outlook folder offers suggestions for command line parameters but I could not find the right one.

Current versions: Outlook 2003 and Windows XP

Jan Doggen

Posted 2014-02-08T21:12:37.577

Reputation: 3 591



I found a way experimenting with the options mentioned in the linked article.

Create a desktop shortcut as:

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\OUTLOOK.EXE" /select outlook:contacts

(Your Office version number may differ)

Jan Doggen

Posted 2014-02-08T21:12:37.577

Reputation: 3 591