How do I get `tightvnc` to report the version number on Ubuntu?


How do I get tightvnc to report the version number on Ubuntu? The website tightvnc does not offer any linux documentation; only Windows.

I am using the version installed by apt-get install tightvncserver.


Posted 2014-02-06T05:17:51.690

Reputation: 1 157



tightvncserver -help will list the version number.

For documentation, you can always read the man page: man tightvncserver should tell you how to use all the basic options.

The output on my machine:

$ tightvncserver -help
TightVNC Server version 1.3.9

Usage: tightvncserver [<OPTIONS>] [:<DISPLAY#>]
       tightvncserver -kill :<DISPLAY#>

<OPTIONS> are Xtightvnc options, or:

        -name <DESKTOP-NAME>
        -depth <DEPTH>
        -geometry <WIDTH>x<HEIGHT>
        -httpport number
        -basehttpport number
        -pixelformat rgb<NNN>
        -pixelformat bgr<NNN>

See vncserver and Xtightvnc manual pages for more information.


Posted 2014-02-06T05:17:51.690

Reputation: 4 693