Getting per user cpu and memory consumption statistics


Is there a way to get cpu and memory consumption statistics summaries per user the same way prstat -t on Solaris shows them?

The prstat(1) utility in Solaris display has fields NPROC UserName SWAP RSS Memory TimeCPU.

Are there any scripts available to generate more or less similar output on a Linux system?


Posted 2014-01-28T10:41:11.647

Reputation: 267

It gives NPROC UserName SWAP RSS Memory TimeCPU – user3134198 – 2014-01-28T10:52:20.520

Is there any scripts available to generate more or less similar output? – user3134198 – 2014-01-28T10:55:18.437

On production server it is not allowed to install external packages/rpm. Can any one suggest something to be done using script or existing commands on RHEL6 /OEL 6. Thanks. – user3134198 – 2014-01-29T04:39:01.790

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