On my SSD machine, the C:\Windows\Installer
folder is massive and takes up about 15% of my total disk space.
Is there a way to clean up that folder without killing Windows 8.1/10? Tucking away the installers on the OS partition seems wasteful.
2Are you kidding me? On my machine, this folder alone takes up over 25% of the disk space (20 GB / 80GB) allocated to the boot volume. Win 2008 R2. – Jay Imerman – 9 years ago
Related/Duplicate from 2009, still relevant: Is it safe to delete from C:\Windows\Installer?
– Ƭᴇcʜιᴇ007 – 9 years ago3You happy guy! On my system the Installer directory takes 50% of the 95 GB HDD. Microsoft is not acting here like the biggest software company in the world! – Al Bundy – 8 years ago
2It is almost 2018, we have windows 10 now and it gets 46 GB off the disk for the very same thing :/ some things never change. – mcy – 7 years ago
The easiest would be to compress the folders as described by Hans below. – Rosdi – 7 years ago
Too bad this question's got that silly protection status. What worked for me on Windows 10 is using Unlocker (http://www.emptyloop.com/unlocker/), which I already had installed because Windows tries to keep its filthy hands on some files. All that is additionally needed is to uncheck "hide system files" in Windows Explorer. Then navigate to the (now visible) Installer folder, right-click->Unlocker and then choose "delete". The deletion took like 10 minutes, but now my SSD is 38 GB (!!!) lighter. Felt like getting to the restroom after a HUGE christmas dinner.
– oliver – 6 years ago2I had the problem in Windows 8, and the temporary solution was to upgrade to 8.1 (I had 20+ G free up!). But the problem crept up again, with the continual patching of 8.1... This is an annoying problem from Windows since XP. – Fuhrmanator – 11 years ago
Actually, those aren't Windows installers in that folder. It's basically all the stuff that Windows needs to run different programs and code versions. – HopelessN00b – 11 years ago