Chatbox/shoutbox/forum with the following features


I would like to set up a simple forum for a small number of users. The features I would like are the following, in order of priority:

  • logging on not compulsory for posting.
  • A single thread. All the messages are immediately visible - no need to "open" them.
  • most recent message at the top by default.
  • The ability to upload photos.

Chatango is the closest thing I've found so far, but its a little bit buggy and the maximum message size is rather restricted.


Posted 2009-11-15T07:50:12.773

Reputation: 1 607

Question was closed 2013-01-14T21:14:03.627

3A weekend with PHP? – Phoshi – 2009-11-15T14:06:26.377

Or a weekend with Drupal as well! – dag729 – 2010-01-14T17:07:23.757



Have you tried SMF? you would need a few modifications to add features but this should meet your requirements


Posted 2009-11-15T07:50:12.773

Reputation: 7 006


phpBB fulfills all of your requirements. As of phpBB 3.0 post sorting (your third requirement) is now supported as well. phpBB is free and open source, you can find themes for it all over the internet.

You will need to do a bit of configuring in the admin panel for your requirements though. For the second requirement for example, you will need to create 1 forum with 1 topic inside it, and disallow users to create new topics. That way they can only reply on one thread.

John T

Posted 2009-11-15T07:50:12.773

Reputation: 149 037

I don't think you can force phpbb to have the messages "open", i.e. see the contents of the last few at a glance without having to click on the "subjects" one at a time. – Mick – 2009-11-15T08:13:45.307

1You'd only have one thread though. You can configure your site to always redirect to that thread. – John T – 2009-11-15T08:15:29.950


You can also look at PHPNuke. It runs with PHPBB but allows for easier expansion and CMS.

Sakamoto Kazuma

Posted 2009-11-15T07:50:12.773

Reputation: 833