Is there a website for redirecting to odd protocols from http?


For instance, if you click a URL with the apt: protocol in Ubuntu, it will install a package from your repository:

  • Install firefox

As you can see, this doesn't work on StackExchange, despite the URL being there.

If you click a link with the about: protocol in Firefox, it can lead to inner workings of your browser:

  • Browser configuration

As you can see, this doesn't work on StackExchange, either. Many websites, forums, etc. only recognize http:// URLs, but there are all kinds of other useful protocols, like news:, mailto:, aim:, etc.

However, I can work around this in a sense. Instead of linking to apt:firefox, I can link to, which I know will then launch the apt: link:

Is there a tinyurl-esque website or other workaround that allows creation of http:// URLs that then launch other arbitrary protocol URLs?


Posted 2009-11-14T20:15:04.560

Reputation: 6 626

Question was closed 2015-11-27T04:58:48.010

StackExchange is a productivised version of the Stack Overflow base, which is used by Super User, not the other way around. – random – 2009-11-15T03:16:00.340

So the software is called "Stack Overflow" and the website is also called "Stack Overflow"? – endolith – 2009-11-15T04:14:38.657



I just reminded myself of one possible workaround. TinyURL itself!


Posted 2009-11-14T20:15:04.560

Reputation: 6 626