Issues with Windows 8 Users


I built a new desktop, running windows 8, a few months ago, updated to windows 8.1 as soon as I could and have been using it fine, everything working fine until recently. I am the sole user of the computer and therefore there was only 1 user on it. This user used to be administrator but it is now no longer one, meaning I can't install/update/access everything I need.

Things I have tried:

unlocked the default administrator account (which I am using to submit this) but when I went to account settings to modify my main user it wasn't there (in control panel). The tutorial I followed to unlock the default admin account required me to change the setting for REM_SAM user account 000001F4 which did enable it. That is the only setting I have changed and the original user can still be viewed when looking in the reg editor. (following instructions from this)

I ran lusrmgr.msc but it gives the error "This Snapin may not be used with this edition of Windows 8.1. To manage user accounts for this computer, use the User Accounts tool in the Control Panel."

I ran userpasswords2 in cmd and the original user is visible.

I have no idea where to go from here. Your help would be much appreciated

Thank you in advance


Posted 2014-01-21T00:30:03.870

Reputation: 1

lusrmgr.msc is not part of the Core Edition, only Pro/Enterprise. try this tool: – magicandre1981 – 2014-01-21T05:14:51.930

Thank you Magicandre1981, I used that program and it shows the user but after disabling and enabling the account it is back! Excellent. – Angus – 2014-01-21T08:25:39.960

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