How to see index.htm from local directories in internet browser?


I have a folder full of websites with an index.htm in that folder linking to each one.

When I type the file path to that folder into google chrome, it opens the folder as if looking at the index of a file server that has no index.htm page.

Only, I do have an index.htm. So, is there a way to make it so that browsers will open the index.htm when given the path to that folder?


Posted 2014-01-16T14:25:23.707

Reputation: 211



Unless you are using a webserver, which can be configured to perform default document substitution, you cannot use just the parent directory path to access the file. you will have to put in the full path, ending in index.htm.

The use of index.htm or default.htm is just convention; it is not standard, so the browser does not try to infer possible default documents. only the server can make that decision, so don't try to open the folder, try to open the file.


Frank Thomas

Posted 2014-01-16T14:25:23.707

Reputation: 29 039


You can use C:/path to folder/index.htm

if you only use folder path browser will only display folder, if you really want this to load a page by default you can use a local server using Wamp server

The setup is also explained on the site.


Posted 2014-01-16T14:25:23.707

Reputation: 21