Why does `hg diff -I filename` not show my file buried in a subdirectory?


Sometimes I make a few changes before remembering to commit. Sometimes they are unrelated. So I first hg stat to see which files I changed, and then I hg diff specific files if I don't remember every change I made to them, so I can make an accurate description in my commit message.

I have a file in my project, a/b/c.pl, which is listed when I hg stat. However, if I hg diff -I *c* no results are shown, just the command prompt again. AFAICT from hg diff -h I am using the correct syntax, but apparently not. So, what's the correct syntax to see c.pl's differences without having to type the whole path?


Posted 2014-01-14T17:28:44.233

Reputation: 1 069

Normally one has to type the full path, unless something like */*/c.pl worked. You'd still need one star per directory though. – Collin Grady – 2014-01-14T17:33:31.953



The correct syntax is hg diff -I **c*.


Posted 2014-01-14T17:28:44.233

Reputation: 1 069