Which command-line tool can be used to make video screenshots from a videofile?



I have a video file and want to make a screenshot series like this one

enter image description here

Which program can be used for that? Is there any command-line tool?


Posted 2009-11-13T13:54:48.583




Your example was done in Media Player Classic. While playing the video simply go to File -> Save Thumbnails.

FFmpeg can also do this.

ffmpeg -i <input_file> -f image2 -vcodec mjpeg img%d.jpg

this will make a series of images named img1.jpg, img2.jpg, etc.

John T

Posted 2009-11-13T13:54:48.583

Reputation: 149 037

Damn, you edited your answer ;) – Gnoupi – 2009-11-13T14:22:43.500

Yeah I never checked his example his explanation sounded good enough. Then I checked it and saw Media Player Classic across it in giant letters. – John T – 2009-11-13T14:28:44.690


If you are using Linux then Video Contact Sheet *NIX is an excellent wrapper around a number of utilities to automate making thumbnail sheets with a decent set of options for customising the output. If you are using Windows/Max/BSD then you may have less luck with it, though the creator states that better support for other OSs is planned in later versions.

David Spillett

Posted 2009-11-13T13:54:48.583

Reputation: 22 424

+1 for a tool that just gets the job done. Thank you! – c089 – 2010-05-14T13:46:02.313


There is a command-line tool written in Python called vcsi which can be used like this:

vcsi video.mkv -o output.jpg


Posted 2009-11-13T13:54:48.583

Reputation: 11



Posted 2009-11-13T13:54:48.583

Reputation: 1

1Hello and welcome to superuser.com. When answering questions it is customary to include the answer from sites and refer them, meaning that you describe the procedure yourself and add references to those methods. The reason for this is in case the the sites you are refering to goes down, the explanation will still be available here at superuser. – Mogget – 2013-11-27T09:01:04.770