How do I make NppExec open Git Bash in its own window?


I installed the NppExec plugin for Notepad++ to be able to run Git Bash from inside the application, but it runs the script within the built-in console in Notepad++. This makes the colors disappear, and decreasing readability of the status messages.

How do I make NppExec open a new cmd window with Git Bash, with the same working directory as the file I am currently editing?


Posted 2014-01-08T16:01:21.393

Reputation: 1 206



In the plugin options for NppExec, mark the Follow $(CURRENT_DIRECTORY) menu item to make it run the scripts from your current working directory.

Screenshot NppExec plugin menu

Then, save and execute this script, to make the Git Bash open in a new command line window.

cmd /c start "Git Bash" "C:\Progra~2\Git\bin\sh.exe" --login -i


Posted 2014-01-08T16:01:21.393

Reputation: 1 206