Virtual PC, bigger resolution


I have a virtual machine (Virtual PC) and I want to set a bigger resolution than my monitor/videocard allows. Thats because I want to stream a "scrollable" game, and if I could increment the resolution, I wont need to scroll during the game (it summary will be shrinked, of course).

How to do this?

John Smith

Posted 2014-01-07T11:51:02.640

Reputation: 187

what guest OS? It might help to state this – Journeyman Geek – 2014-01-07T12:25:22.880

Windows XP SP 3 – John Smith – 2014-01-07T12:27:41.547



In order to get the full resolution on a virtual machine you'll need to install Virtual PC Additions.

To do this you'll need to do the following

enter image description here

  1. While you are running one of your virtual machines, click on Action

  2. Then click on Install or Update Virtual Machine Additions (or hit Right Alt + I)

enter image description here

3 . You will be prompted with the window above which states that a CD image will be inserted in the Virtual Drive, the CD-ROM contains the installation files for the Virtual Machine Additions. Click Continue so that the virtual CD-ROM is loaded.

From there just continue installation and you'll be able to take advantage of the full screen.

Sandeep Bansal

Posted 2014-01-07T11:51:02.640

Reputation: 6 168

thx for the comment, but I didnt mean the full screen :) I still cant set very high resolution. – John Smith – 2014-01-07T12:00:52.917