Cannot make YouTube comments in Firefox


So, whenever I click on a button on YouTube to reply to a comment, this happens:

Comment box doesn't open all the way

I used to be able to click the Reply button a second time and it would open for me (still didn't look right), but Google seems to have "fixed" the "bug" that allowed me to comment. I do have Google+ set up and everything. Is there anything at all I can try besides hacking with the YouTube API?

Skylar Ittner

Posted 2014-01-04T17:13:56.267

Reputation: 285

Does this happen in a new profile?

– vWil – 2014-01-05T15:59:18.023

It seems to work fine without AdBlock Plus in a new profile, but when I enable AdBlock I can reply normally. The only thing that changes is the "alerts" drop-down stops working with AdBlock. I'm not getting rid of AdBlock though, without it my computer is very slow. – Skylar Ittner – 2014-01-06T22:27:14.923

The AdBlock Plus forum could be helpful.

– vWil – 2014-01-07T15:35:20.063

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