How to browse a font by characters from a given codepage?


Most of the font manager tools display characters of a font grouped by subsets of the Unicode character set. Is there a tool that displays the characters grouped by the particular code page that a given font supports? I.e. for the font Arial, display all characters that are part of the Windows 1252 code page.


The only program that does exactly this is Windows Character Map:

enter image description here

The problem with Character Map is that:

  • I'm not sure how do entries in the menu map to actual code pages. For the Windows* ones, one could use this table (i.e. Windows: Central Europe maps to Windows-1250), but what about the DOS ones
  • certain code pages are missing in the menu
  • inside of the properties of the font file, there is a list of code pages that a given font supports. Seeing those code pages would be helpful, if possible
  • there is no way that I've found to see the character code from the code page selected, only the UTF-16 character code is shown (U+XXXX), though for this one could use the conversion table.


Posted 2013-12-30T14:39:31.947

Reputation: 1 414

1The Character Map (CharMap) utility of Windows has such a feature. But do you mean a font editing tool? – Jukka K. Korpela – 2013-12-30T14:46:06.017

@JukkaK.Korpela Thanks for the response; I've updated the question. The reason I've asked the question was to understand roughly, how AltCodes (and actually, fonts in general) work. There are at least three ways one can enter AltCodes to a given program (+/0/non0 prefixed) and each of those methods may possibly yield different results. I.e. the + prefix uses the UTF-16 character code of the character (I guess) while the 0 prefix uses the character code of the code page associated with the currently set Input Language. Thought that maybe by understanding fonts more I'll also grasp the AltC's. – colemik – 2013-12-30T15:42:31.717



Thanks to Jukka, what I ended up doing was to swap the font on the webpage that displayed the code page to Unicode mapping. Hopefully it doesn't matter if glyphs of the font are accessed through the Unicode code (UTF-8 on the webpage) or through the code page code. Here is the Stylish script to do just that:

@-moz-document regexp("http://www\.fileformat\.info/info/charset/.*/grid.htm.*") {

    body {
        font-family: 'Magneto', 'Unicode BMP Fallback SIL'  !important;


Posted 2013-12-30T14:39:31.947

Reputation: 1 414