I've got a non-technical friend whose backup strategy is 'cross fingers and hope'. I've decided this is unacceptable (because I'll be the one called when hope stops working), so I installed Crashplan on her laptop. I want her to be able to back up to my machine, which is unfortunately two states away. I didn't copy my friend code before departing.
I have access to the Crashplan web interface. Is there a way to either discover my friend code from the web interface or add my computer as a backup destination without one?
You could easily "fix" this with the help of Teamviewer or similar remote-control software once you get back. Teamviewer is very user-friendly and you could easily get your non-technical friend to start it up with you on the phone or even by email instructions.
– MattBianco – 2014-03-27T12:20:59.913