How do I get my menu bar back in Sublime Text 3 Linux?



The newest version of ST3 allows linux users to remove their menu bar, but I fail to see how to bring it back. In Windows, pressing Alt shows the menu, but not so in Linux. How can I get it back? Is there a shortcut I can set, or make it so that Alt shows it?


Posted 2013-12-25T20:20:30.513

Reputation: 2 041

Wow, yeah I just realised the menu is gone now that I want to change projects - this is so very unusable. None of the suggestions below worked for me on Ubuntu 16 LTS with ST3 updates all applied. – danjah – 2016-05-17T10:39:46.417



See Show Menu in Sublime:

Ctrl+Shift+p then type vmen

I have yet to figure out how to make it a key binding. Will update when/if I do.

Edit: see jeremija's answer below to see how to set a hotkey.


Posted 2013-12-25T20:20:30.513

Reputation: 2 041

3Oy - 2 and 1/2 years later and still no context menu or something to bring it back. – CramerTV – 2016-04-05T00:55:02.057

@Blossoming_Flower - thx - do you also know how to make the menu permanently appear, rather than only being visible when you hover over it with a mouse? – BKSpurgeon – 2017-01-22T05:05:32.453


If you wish to add a hotkey you can edit your Default (Linux).sublime-keymap file:

  • press CTRL+SHIFT+P
  • typing key bindings user
  • select Preferences: Key Bindings - User

This should open the Default (Linux).sublime-keymap file. Add this line:

{"keys": ["ctrl+alt+m"], "command": "toggle_menu"}

If your .sublime-keymap file was empty, you should wrap the above in JSON array brackets [ and ], like so:

    {"keys": ["ctrl+alt+m"], "command": "toggle_menu"}

After you save the file, Sublime should reload the hotkey bindings automatically and you should be able to use the CTRL+ALT+M hotkey to toggle the menu bar.

I still miss the ability to show the menu just by pressing ALT+LETTER to open the specific menu automatically, but this (along with the Command Palette) helps a lot.


Posted 2013-12-25T20:20:30.513

Reputation: 541

Interestingly, compared to the OP, I had the reverse problem: As of build 3065, it seems they removed the View -> Hide Menu entry. Your solution was the only one that actually made the menu disappear. Thank you so much! – balu – 2014-11-28T20:44:23.140

I'm glad I could help :) The accepted answer also works for me on build 3065. – jeremija – 2014-12-01T10:45:34.580

Ok, this is really strange. Maybe it has something to do with the fact I'm using a tiling window manager (namely, i3). – balu – 2014-12-01T14:32:44.240

It's called View: Toggle Menu, not View -> Hide Menu - maybe that's why you can't find it? P.S. I've never tried i3, but I really like i3lock :) – jeremija – 2014-12-01T14:36:02.810

No, it's really not there. :( – balu – 2014-12-01T15:36:18.283

@balu, I just tried that in i3 and I can see that option in the Command Palette so maybe a sublime package you have installed breaks it somehow. – jeremija – 2014-12-04T08:09:24.950

No, it's been absent since right after installation when I didn't have any packages installed yet. – balu – 2014-12-04T09:40:38.577


You can simply press "alt+v" ,you will see menu bar then click "show menubar".


Posted 2013-12-25T20:20:30.513

Reputation: 131

2Not on Linux: if the menu bar is hidden, Alt+something does nothing. – Tobia – 2016-12-19T11:09:59.850


Close Sublime.

Edit ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Local/Session.sublime_session

Change all instances of menu_visible to be true, e.g.: "menu_visible": true

Close, save, and restart Sublime.

Peter Kingsbury

Posted 2013-12-25T20:20:30.513

Reputation: 51


(OpenSuse 13.2)

In the file /home/.config/sublime-text-3/Local/Session.sublime_session

locate this line (around 165) and change the "false" to "true" like this:

"menu_visible": true,


Posted 2013-12-25T20:20:30.513

Reputation: 29

1This duplicates another answer and adds no new content. Please don't post an answer unless you actually have something new to contribute. – DavidPostill – 2015-12-05T22:24:51.117


I found a solution. In terminal:

sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/sublime_text.desktop

Add env UBUNTU_MENUPROXY=0 in Exec= before /opt/* as shown in fig.



Trang Ha Viet

Posted 2013-12-25T20:20:30.513

Reputation: 1


CTRL+ALT+M worked for me on Ubuntu 16.04

Pedro Abreu

Posted 2013-12-25T20:20:30.513

Reputation: 1