Is it safe to clean temporary files produced by Hudson?


I tried to clean this directory in my vitural machine:

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp

However, this VM is a Hudson Slave, and I found it full with directories of this kind: hudson-remoting57575653437742745725

and which contains such a tree: hudson-remoting57575653437742745725\com\sun\jna\win32-x86

and the final directory contains this dll: jnidispatch.dll

Is it safe to delete these kind of directories?

If it is safe to delete clean Temp directory, when can I include the cleaning action in a script that would be compiled by a Hudson job? At the end of the script or at the begining?


Posted 2013-12-25T15:43:26.613

Reputation: 101



jnidispatch is a Java Native Library, so I would say 'NO' on that.

The others(s), I would recommend that you not delete them if you have no real need to delete them. If you want to delete them for no particular reason, then I would say leave them be. If there is an immediate threat, then delete them, but make sure you do proper backing up.


Posted 2013-12-25T15:43:26.613

Reputation: 138

by saying "NO" , do you mean it is NOT say? Well, I need to empty the tmp directory for saving VM space reason. – user1459961 – 2013-12-25T16:59:45.887

I mean that is probably not safe, and could cause errors to your Java. – MrJustin – 2013-12-26T01:15:32.350