I'm using two separated sessions in tmux
, and I have the following entires in /etc/tmux.conf
set -g base-index 1
new -s logi -n cmd
neww -n logi "cat /dev/logi | ccze -m ansi -p syslog -C"
splitw -t 1 -v -p 50
selectw -t 2
selectp -t 0
new -s standard -n htop "htop"
neww -n cmd
splitw -t 2 -v -p 50
selectw -t 2
selectp -t 1
I start session standard
by invoking the following command:
urxvtc -name 'tmux' -e bash -c 'tmux attach-session -t standard'
If there's no session, it creates one, if there is one, it attaches. As you can see I have two windows, one of which is divided into 2 panes. When I'm reloading the config file, I got 2 extra windows from the other session, and both have been added to the preexisted ones. Moreover, the previous windows received one extra pane. The two extra panes are clear, there's no executed commands (htop) in any of them.
Is there a way to reload the config file in the way that this would be applied only to attached session? Or do I have to forget about reloading the config file when I'm using sessions, and in order to apply new setting I should use tmux kill-server
and start sessions anew?
I got an error executing the script:
[[: not found
(7th line) – Mikhail Morfikov – 2013-12-17T23:54:46.2671@MikhailMorfikov It's might be due to sh being a different version. Try changing the top line to
. – scicalculator – 2013-12-18T01:32:38.663Yep, that works. – Mikhail Morfikov – 2013-12-18T02:45:51.323