How to view movie clip in timeline mode or extract frames from movie clip to a specific destination


Flash CS5.5

Basically, I have created a movie clip animation of a character called "Hit-Egg" throwing a left hook and then ending with a right punch. I figured I could just create the movie clip once, and reuse this animation when "Hit-Egg" is fighting enemies. The Pros of using the movie clip is that I only have to place it once on the stage for it to be in the correct position (IE the punches actually connect and he is in the proper place). The Cons are that I can't see what frames the punches are connecting (so it becomes much harder to draw blood and cracks on the enemies).

I figured I could just copy and paste the frames each time. However, when I paste the frames, HitEgg spawns on the stage in the top left corner for each frame, meaning I have to move him 25 times (25 frames total in the Movie Clip) to the right position. The Pros of this is seeing the hits connect (so I can add more detail) & I have more control, the cons are that I will have to move HitEgg every single time I use this recycle animation to the right position in each frame.

I am relatively new to flash. What I want to know is if there's a way to convert a movie clip to keyframes once I place it correctly (so I don't have to move HitEgg into the right position each time) or if there's a way to move individual frames to the right position more efficiently (because this animation will take way too long if I have to move him every single frame). Thanks for reading and hopefully you can solve my problem!


Posted 2013-12-16T20:44:18.013

Reputation: 11

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