Is there the command in Mac OS X(10.8) equivalent to 'iptables'?



I want to reject some traffic in Mac OS X 10.8(Server) like using:

iptables -t filter -I INPUT 4 -s -p tcp --dport 1723 -j REJECT

Is there the equivalent command for Mac OS X?


Posted 2013-12-15T13:49:26.007

Reputation: 53



With OS X 10.7, Apple deprecated use of FreeBSD's ipfw and switched to OpenBSD's pf.

The control command for pf is pfctl(8).

You will find a brief discussion as of 10.7 here. This is useful for highlighting a couple ways OS X's PF differs from the stock BSD version.

Documentation on PF is widely available, including Hansteen's The Book of PF. The author also wrote a freely available tutorial, and the OpenBSD documentation is also freely available.

Note: If your machine is also running OS X Server under 10.8, you might need to fix a config error that Apple made before PF starts working.

Jeremy W. Sherman

Posted 2013-12-15T13:49:26.007

Reputation: 606


There's also an open-source GUI program for configuring pf: Hanynet's IceFloor

– Gordon Davisson – 2013-12-15T18:05:21.707


Is there the equivalent command for Mac OS X?

I don't believe so. They used to have ipfw and ipfw6, but that's been marked as deprecated. I have not been able to find a replacement either. See, for example, Firewall and Blocking [More] Traffic.

Essentially, Apple has taken nearly all control away from the users.


Posted 2013-12-15T13:49:26.007

Reputation: 1