Open new Finder tab when using 'open .' in the Terminal



In the Terminal I use open . to open the current directory using Finder.

Open folders in new tabs settings is set in the Finder, yet it opens a new window every time. By the end of a project/day I have dozens of these windows open.

How do I get the Finder to open a new tab, instead of a new window when using open . in the Terminal?


Posted 2013-12-14T17:31:02.263

Reputation: 191

I don't think open can handle that for the moment. – Matthieu Riegler – 2013-12-15T18:03:45.597


Perhaps, some AppleScript hacking could resolve this problem. (sorry, I don't have Mavericks to test it, but you can try to adapt the solution here).

– Igor Hatarist – 2014-02-04T09:47:46.227

...and hack your shell to replace the default "open ." behaviour with this applescript launch. – Igor Hatarist – 2014-02-04T10:41:59.140



You cannot use open . to open a new tab in Finder, though it is possible to open a new tab using AppleScript - from How do you duplicate current open Finder view in new tab (Mavericks)?

tell application "Finder"
    set t to target of Finder window 1
    set toolbar visible of window 1 to true
end tell
tell application "System Events"
    keystroke "t" using command down
end tell
tell application "Finder"
    set target of Finder window 1 to t
end tell

Alternatively from

set docs_path to (path to documents folder) as string
set Sat_folder to docs_path & "Sat:"
set ABC_folder to (Sat_folder & "ABC:") as alias

tell application "Finder"
   open Sat_folder
end tell

tell application "System Events" to keystroke "t" using command down

tell application "Finder"
   set target of front window to ABC_folder
end tell


Posted 2013-12-14T17:31:02.263

Reputation: 2 354