What keyboard shortcuts move, resize, and maximize windows under Mac OS X?



I just checked http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Table_of_keyboard_shortcuts but the following "Window management" entries are blank for Mac OS X:

  • Move the focused window
  • Resize the focused window
  • Maximize the focused window

Are there really no built in keyboard shortcuts for these in OS X? I do this stuff all the time with GNOME under Linux.

Philip Durbin

Posted 2009-11-11T03:13:17.830

Reputation: 2 927


On 10.9.4, http://superuser.com/a/718843/60022 worked for me. Be sure to name it exactly "Zoom".

– user60022 – 2014-08-04T19:37:23.973

3Is there a reason nobody has made a straight-up replacements for the Windows window manipulation keys? Surely that's what most readers come here for? – Anon Gordon – 2016-04-25T13:28:53.500



Spectacle hasn't been mentioned yet. "Move and resize your windows with ease." -- http://spectacleapp.com

It's open source: https://github.com/eczarny/spectacle

Philip Durbin

Posted 2009-11-11T03:13:17.830

Reputation: 2 927

Exactly what I was looking for, simple, well-designed, and free! – Jeff – 2014-07-25T03:26:47.293

2Yes thanks again... I am new to MacOsX and I just think this should be included in the OS natively... why the green button does not make the same effect. – рüффп – 2015-03-15T15:13:21.327

Spectacle is really great, I've been using it for some time now, seamlessly. The default shortcuts make sense and are easily learned, including the ones for multi monitor setups :) – Michael Trouw – 2015-11-30T13:03:56.683

This really made my day - nice thing to stumble upon on a monday after vacation :-) – snemarch – 2016-01-18T10:07:35.740

1@ruffp I suspect at this point it is because Apple would have to concede that Windows' behaviour was better all along. Similar situation to the one-button mouse. – Timmmm – 2017-01-04T09:34:03.583

Witch ( https://manytricks.com/witch/ ) is also a good alternative.

– Zeth – 2017-05-30T13:12:35.873

Spectacle being not maintained anymore, the open-source alternative is now Rectangle. Works well on MacOS 10.15!

– dbernard – 2019-12-11T14:20:48.620

8Nice - supports behaviour similar to "windows key" + "arrow" on Win7. Just what I was after. – Frederik – 2014-02-13T14:54:07.377



Posted 2009-11-11T03:13:17.830

Reputation: 2 787

+1 to MercuryMover. I've tried Optimal Layout, Size Up and ShiftIt. MercuryMover is the best for me because it's the quickest way to move/resize windows. Plus, you can make your own shortcuts for resizing to a particular size. – Eddy – 2012-08-18T12:13:40.620

MercuryMover seems like what I was looking for. Thanks. Too bad it isn't built in. – Philip Durbin – 2009-11-11T06:33:51.967


I haven't tested in other versions, but in OS X 10.9 (Mavericks), you can use the Voice Over Utility to move and resize windows.

  1. Enable Voice Over in the Accessibility control panel.
  2. Click "Open Voice Over Uitlity"
  3. Click "Commanders" in the left panel.
  4. Select "keyboard"
  5. Select "enable keyboard commander"
  6. Add a new commander.
  7. Specify any keyboard key not already in use.
  8. Choose the command: Size and Position -> Start Moving Window
  9. Select with window to be moved
  10. Hold down the right option key, and press the key selected in 7.
  11. Move the window with the cursor keys.


Posted 2009-11-11T03:13:17.830

Reputation: 231

Clunky, but very helpful to understand why a Java window was going missing: it dislikes being moved to my other monitor. Grr. – android.weasel – 2015-03-03T13:30:56.893

Doesn't seem to work for XQuartz... – krs013 – 2016-04-21T02:11:25.840

Thanks! This worked perfectly in OS X 10.11.5 (El Capitan). I recently installed a new program and it started up with the title bar stuck past the top of my screen... would've been really annoying to have to install another program just to fix it :) – kayge – 2016-07-14T22:11:48.053


Personally, I prefer Size Up - it has a huge array of options for auto resizing with a single keypress including quarter screen, maximise and moving windows between monitors and even Spaces.


John Gallagher

Posted 2009-11-11T03:13:17.830

Reputation: 223


The best answer is to create a keyboard shortcut in System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > App Shortcuts.

Then add Chrome or whichever and in the name exact as it appears enter: Zoom.

This is the critical part...

The shortcut has to include the Shift key. When you want to fully maximize the window using the keyboard and mouse you can do so by holding down the Shift key and clicking the Green Maximize/+ button in the browser toolbar.

I assigned my shortcut to be Command+Shift+Return and it works like a charm.

System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > App Shortcuts

enter image description here


Posted 2009-11-11T03:13:17.830

Reputation: 161

easily the easiest and best answer for getting window to full size of screen – 1'' – 2018-09-27T02:09:44.850

I can't understand why this isn't enabled by default in OSX. Using it in Mojave (10.14). I grew tired of the whole double-clicking on the window top bar. Thanks. – Lucio Mollinedo – 2018-10-25T20:22:42.697

Repeat the same procedure for all apps?? – Danijel – 2019-09-05T08:04:22.853


Following along with the idea of windowflow - check out it's parent project Optimal Layout. I tried sizeup for a while and was actually trying to find a replacement for it when I found Optimal Layout.

It is by far the best OSX keyboard based window manipulation app I've seen yet! Rocks...


Bobby B

Posted 2009-11-11T03:13:17.830

Reputation: 151

I agree, it ads one functionality which is highly desirable: switch to a particular window in an application. Where Command Tab allows you only to switch to a particular App, Optimal Layout's Alt Tab gives you a list of windows grouped by application – Micha Roon – 2017-02-11T14:59:35.777

@DrGorb you can also use built-in CMD+` to switch between application window instances – Mark J Miller – 2017-10-13T15:53:23.980


With VoiceOver enabled (Command-F5), you can use the move window keyboard shortcut.

  • Control-Option-Accent (`) move window with arrow keys (or using Shift-Arrow to move just a bit)
  • Shift-Control-Option-Accent (`) displays the Window Resize Options menu

Using the Window Resize Options menu, you can move the window to sections of the screen (e.g., centre screen, top left etc.).


Posted 2009-11-11T03:13:17.830

Reputation: 173

Now if only I could find a way to disable actual voicing over... – alexeit – 2016-05-18T04:04:37.033

2alexeit To mute VoiceOver while it's enabled, open the VoiceOver Utility app located in your Utilities folder (Applications > Utilities), then from the utility categories menu select Speech, and tick the Mute Speech checkbox. – TimD – 2016-06-04T11:47:53.323


I've tried the other third party apps here and have found Moom to be the best:


Russell Davis

Posted 2009-11-11T03:13:17.830

Reputation: 1 124


If you consider yourself a "hacker" you may consider Slate. Slate is like Bettertouch or Sizeup on steroids. Here is the github repo.

There is a learning curve but it is very powerful and customizable. There is a great write-up on how to set up and use it.


Posted 2009-11-11T03:13:17.830

Reputation: 131

Thanks! The write-up led me to add an answer about http://spectacleapp.com as well, which I noticed in the comments.

– Philip Durbin – 2013-04-24T11:09:15.943


See the following AppleScript for the popular (and free) Mac OS X keyboard/mouse shortcut program QuickSilver that will get you a keyboard shortcut for the green zoom button. When you install that and use it with Quicksilver, you'll be able to customize your keyboard shortcut.

tell application "System Events"
    if UI elements enabled then
        set FrontApplication to (get name of every process whose frontmost is true) as string
        tell process FrontApplication
            click button 2 of window 1
            --button 2 is the green "zoom" button for all applications
            --window 1 is always the frontmost window.
        end tell
        tell application "System Preferences"
            set current pane to pane "com.apple.preference.universalaccess"
            display dialog "UI element scripting is not enabled. Check 'Enable access for assistive devices'"
        end tell
    end if
end tell

Source: http://snippets.dzone.com/posts/show/1026

Nick McCurdy

Posted 2009-11-11T03:13:17.830

Reputation: 420

Weird, that quicksilver link now redirects to some baseball program. – Steve Bennett – 2011-09-15T03:41:42.067


I have a utility called BetterSnapTool running on my OSX 10.9.4 MacBook. This is a very nice tool that mimics the behavior on Windows 7 of snapping a window to the top, left, or right sides if you drag a window to one of these sides with your mouse. Within BetterSnapTool there is an "Extras" tab and on this panel is an option for "Move Windows". Here, I've chosen CTL and OPT and now when I depress these keys I can move any window under my mouse cursor. BetterSnapTool is rated 5 stars in the Mac App Store application and costs $1.99.


Posted 2009-11-11T03:13:17.830

Reputation: 11



Features and ease of use are combined in a way that I can't find in any alternative software.

I use it with Mountain Lion.


SIMBL (required by SizeWell) is not recently updated.

Graham Perrin

Posted 2009-11-11T03:13:17.830

Reputation: 1 147