I create a video from image frame, and it work great. The problem is that I don't want to use all the image in my folder. I have 200 frames in my folder, but I want a video from 1 to 100
How I can speficy the frame count or the frame end?
ffmpeg -start_number n -i test_%d.jpg -vcodec mpeg4 test.avi
I can't find how
I don't know much about this program, but if it's using every image in a particular folder, why not create a new folder and only put in the 100 frames you want? – philipthegreat – 2013-12-13T16:21:02.490
2That be will my "hack solution" if can't do it with ffmpeg :) – DarkPixel – 2013-12-13T16:41:22.583