Cannot access su in fedora 17


I am using Fedora 17. by mistaken, I have given full permission as root, for all the files in


My command was

chmod 777 *

and also I gave full permission for a file(I can't remember the name of the file) in /proc. my command was

chmod 777 [filename]

Now when I enter the su command and enter the password it says

su: incorrect password

can someone help me to fix this.


Posted 2013-12-12T10:59:07.170

Reputation: 133

777 is for full read, write or execution permission. Try logging in as single user mode and reset password. – Maximin – 2013-12-12T11:03:01.637



Try to change root's password:

  1. Boot from a LiveCD.
  2. Open a root shell.
  3. Mount your system partition: (replace /dev/sda1 with your partition)

    mount /dev/sda1 /mnt
  4. Chroot into your installed system:

    chroot /mnt
  5. Change root's password:

    passwd root


Posted 2013-12-12T10:59:07.170

Reputation: 33 047