Toshiba P55-A5312 makes screeching noise when entering sleep mode


I bought a Toshiba P55-A5312 from Best Buy around Thanksgiving and upgraded to Windows 8.1. I also downloaded the updated drivers from Toshiba for 8.1. Ever since the upgrade, I have an intermittent problem where when I either close the lid or command the computer to enter sleep mode, a loud distorted screeching noise comes out of the speakers at full blast that lasts for about 1 or 2 seconds. There does not seem to be a predictable pattern as to when this happens.

Another user on this site (Michael) posted an identical problem back in November. He returned the laptop, got a new one, did the upgrade and the noise occurred again for him. It is clearly something to do with the Windows 8.1 upgrade on this machine. Has anyone found a fix for this yet or know what the issue might be? I called Toshiba help and of course when I was on the phone with them I could not get the issue to replicate. Later that evening, it occurred again. It seems to happen more when the machine has been used for a period of time, as opposed to right after startup. This makes me think a background app, utility, or driver is the cause.


Posted 2013-12-11T15:32:40.300


Question was closed 2013-12-11T17:07:27.143

Please don't post duplicate questions. If you need newer/better answers on the existing question, please earn some Rep and place a bounty on the original question instead.

– Ƭᴇcʜιᴇ007 – 2013-12-11T15:45:14.800

1This seems like an audio driver problem. You should contact Toshiba for assistance with getting the driver fixed. If you suspect its a background application, the only advice I have, is to start removing applications you don't actually need. – Ramhound – 2013-12-11T15:47:52.973

Thank you for your help. I'm sorry for the duplicate, I had no idea how to use this site and doubt I could help anyone else with their questions. – None – 2013-12-11T16:00:27.550

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