chown is not changing symbolic link



I'm trying to change the user/group of a symbolic link with the command:

$ chown -h myuser:mygroup mysymbolic/ 

But it's not changing. I'm logged in as root. The current user/group is set to root:root. What went wrong?


Posted 2009-11-09T13:02:39.417


Are you on a NFS mount? – Ortomala Lokni – 2017-01-23T10:19:43.820

Anything that ends with / is a directory. You mean mysymbolic, which is the symbolic link, not mysymbolic/ which is probably the directory it points to. – David Schwartz – 2017-12-05T11:11:21.843

Which operating system do you use?Acoording to the manaul page,-h option takes affect only on systems that can change the ownership of symbolic link. – Jichao – 2009-11-09T13:09:31.743



I was putting a slash in the end of target:

chown -h myuser:mygroup mysymbolic/ 

just removed the slash in the end and works. Here's the correct way:

 chown -h myuser:mygroup mysymbolic


Posted 2009-11-09T13:02:39.417

Reputation: 4 019

1Thank goodness you found out what the reason was! Cheers – zigojacko – 2015-03-25T17:11:26.340

Had the same problem but wasn't putting the slash. Turns out that -h arguement is very important! – Antony D'Andrea – 2015-05-11T09:03:38.740

10I can't believe after 4 years, I have bumped into my past self suffereing the same problem, the missin '-h'! – Antony D'Andrea – 2015-07-13T09:49:46.213

1@AntonyD'Andrea well, you're certainly older ... :-P – pepoluan – 2016-03-16T10:53:13.823

9doesn't work for me on ubuntu – Radek – 2010-09-25T01:07:45.560

2Wow, this took me hours to find. – defines – 2011-04-19T11:36:07.807

54@Radek It worked for me on Ubuntu so long as I remembered the -h flag. – IQAndreas – 2013-06-11T15:04:58.343

31Works for me on Ubuntu with -h and without the trailing slash. – friederbluemle – 2014-02-12T02:44:33.127


I've tried this myself and it works for me. If you have the -h it changes the owner of the symbolic link, but if you dont then it changes the owner of the file itself and not the link.

But it doesnt seem to work of the symbolic link is linked to a directory

Arto Uusikangas

Posted 2009-11-09T13:02:39.417

Reputation: 391

2For what it's worth, the man page on OS X is a lot clearer on the -h option than the one on (Arch) Linux. “-h If the file is a symbolic link, change the user ID and/or the group ID of the link itself.” vs. “-h, --no-dereference affect symbolic links instead of any referenced file (useful only on systems that can change the ownership of a symlink)” – Matijs – 2014-07-13T22:50:13.497


I was unable to chown a directory even with -h but using the full path worked.

# ls -al
drwxr-xr-x 2 deploy deploy 4096 Dec 30 10:29 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 deploy deploy 4096 Dec 30 08:59 ..
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root   root     32 Dec 30 09:02 apps -> /u/apps/
# chown -h deploy:deploy apps
# ls -al
drwxr-xr-x 2 deploy deploy 4096 Dec 30 10:29 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 deploy deploy 4096 Dec 30 08:59 ..
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root   root     32 Dec 30 09:02 apps -> /u/apps/
# chown -h deploy:deploy apps/
# ls -al
drwxr-xr-x 2 deploy deploy 4096 Dec 30 10:29 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 deploy deploy 4096 Dec 30 08:59 ..
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root   root     32 Dec 30 09:02 apps -> /u/apps/
# pwd 
# chown -h deploy:deploy /var/www/html/apps
# ls -al
drwxr-xr-x 2 deploy deploy 4096 Dec 30 10:29 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 deploy deploy 4096 Dec 30 08:59 ..
lrwxrwxrwx 1 deploy deploy   32 Dec 30 09:02 apps -> /u/apps/

Steve Tauber

Posted 2009-11-09T13:02:39.417

Reputation: 1 591


Is the target a file or a directory?

If it is a directory then try -H (upper case H)


Posted 2009-11-09T13:02:39.417


6Sorry for the thread necromancy, but I'd like to point out that the correct syntax is with the lowercase 'h'. – None – 2010-06-18T14:07:52.490

the target is a directory – None – 2009-11-09T13:09:32.477

see my edited reply about directory – None – 2009-11-09T13:13:48.787



chown -h myuser:mygroup <symlink> [without trailing slash]

should be enough and work!  

Aziz Zoaib

Posted 2009-11-09T13:02:39.417

Reputation: 41


Recreate that link by myuser at myuser's home, and mv this link to the target location by sudo.

For example: (as myuser), ln -s somedir/ linkname (will be a broken link if somedir/ doesn't exist in user's directory)

Then, sudo mv linkname targetlocation (will become a valid link provided targetlocation/somedir/ exists)


Posted 2009-11-09T13:02:39.417

Reputation: 31

Your answer is without detail and hard to fully understand. Please consider revising your answer to provide more detail. – James Mertz – 2012-07-13T04:20:37.707


For Solaris (verified on S11.3) for a symbolic link to a directory you will need to run

root@ac11x017:/var/tmp$ ls -lal dumpdir
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root          16 Jun 15 09:08 dumpdir -> /data/dumpdir/
root@ac11x017:/var/tmp$ chown -RP oracle:oinstall dumpdir
lrwxrwxrwx   1 oracle   oinstall      16 Jun 15 09:09 dumpdir -> /data/dumpdir/


Posted 2009-11-09T13:02:39.417

Reputation: 422


I had a similar problem. For me, I could not chmod the symbolic link even as root regardless how I called chmod. To add confusion to this, nautilus was showing the owner/group as nothing. The owner was just blank. So I tried to change the symbolic link using nautilus running as root since chmod wasn't working and nautilus crashed!!

But I think I figured out the problem. The directory the symbolic link was pointing to had different permissions than the symbolic link. So I chmod'ed the target directory (using -h) to my user/group name. Then chmod'ed the symbolic link to the same and it worked! And viewing the symbolic link's details in nautilus (with root permissions) now no longer crashes.

So for others having a similar problem, check the permissions of the target directory/file and make sure it is compatible with the permissions you are setting the symbolic link to.


Posted 2009-11-09T13:02:39.417

Reputation: 11


Note that changing the owner of a symlink can only work if the target is accessible by the new user you want to assign it to.

For instance, if your target is inside a folder that the user you want to assign it to doesn't have enough rights, the ln -s command behavior is such that it will do nothing at all.


Posted 2009-11-09T13:02:39.417

Reputation: 11