Vim is syntax highlighting my file in a funny way, and I want to know what syntax file is responsible for this behaviour. How do I find out what syntax files vim has loaded?
Vim is syntax highlighting my file in a funny way, and I want to know what syntax file is responsible for this behaviour. How do I find out what syntax files vim has loaded?
To find out which files Vim has actually loaded, execute
The syntax for the current buffer can be queried via
:setlocal syntax?
It usually (but not necessarily) corresponds to the buffer's filetype (:setlocal filetype?
For a deeper look,
:syntax list
shows all syntax definitions (some syntaxes (can) include other language's syntaxes, e.g. java
has html
for the JavaDoc comment markup).
2This is what I came looking for based on the title of OP's question. OP of course clarifies in the description he's looking for the actual syntax file, but I appreciate you leaving this here since it's one of the first answers in search engines. – verboze – 2019-05-06T15:44:12.650
You can view what filetype(s) are currently used and by
:verbose set ft ?
The plugin handling the filetype is most likely located at
:e $VIMRUNTIME\ftplugin
1On Mac OS X I modified the
. After using the above command I realized it was using MacVim's version at~/Applications/MacVim.app/Contents/Resources/vim/runtime/filetype.vim
. If you have MacVim installed, make sure you modify the correct file. – echamber – 2015-01-18T19:26:00.8332You may have two syntax files loaded that have the same name. For example, vim ships with syntax highlighting for ColdFusion, (
for me). I installed a custom cf.vim because the standard one is dated.:scriptnames
shows both files. The default is lower on the script list; however, the former is being used. If you look at/usr/share/vim/vim81/syntax/cf.vim
, there's a guardif exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif
. So, in my case, thescriptnames
was helpful, but I had to dig a bit deeper. – avejidah – 2018-06-05T16:38:14.777That's useful. Now, here is something I'm not sure about: if a syntax file shows up in this list, is it guaranteed that the syntax file is "active"? I can see quite a few syntax files here. – Edward Z. Yang – 2013-12-10T10:04:34.540
7Generally, only the last one listed is "active", and even it may not be if you've turned syntax highlighting off. To see the syntax currently in effect, execute
:echo b:current_syntax
. To see the syntax items currently in effect, do as Ingo suggested and execute:syntax list
. The latter may help if syntax items from more than one syntax file are in effect, as Ingo noted. – garyjohn – 2013-12-10T15:07:56.067