Is there a way to export a Google Chrome extension (especially games) into an offline HTML5 app?


I want to export Google Chrome extension (especially games) into an offline HTML5 app. I tried exporting the Cut The Rope from location %localappdata%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\gkddaofiamhgfjmaccfcfpfolpgbeomj\16_0. Then opened index.html but nothing worked. So is it possible to export such apps/games and use the HTML/CSS/JS in any browser.

My question relates first for Cut The Rope only, then for other games.


Posted 2013-12-08T15:08:48.217

Reputation: 171

Ah. If only HTML5 was universal. – surfasb – 2013-12-09T02:33:14.423



Chrome apps such as the game you mentioned above have been coded to work specifically for Chrome. It is possible for such games to work in different browsers (Not that I have seen it before) but it would required for the entire code to be reviewed and modified as necessary, hence defeating the purpose in my opinion.


Posted 2013-12-08T15:08:48.217

Reputation: 11