Native Steam Client
According to the Valve Developer Wiki, steam is avalable for many different Linux distributions, including Fedora, via the RPMfusion repository.
RPM packages are available from RPMFusion for all supported Fedora releases (currently 18, 19 and 20).
The package works fine on both i686 and x86_64 systems and already contains support for the S3 Texture compression library for open source drivers (radeon, intel and nouveau).
Note: the package is in the process of being pushed to the stable repository, so at the moment you have to install it from the testing repository.
You perform the install by issuing yum -y --enablerepo=rpmfusion-nonfree-updates-testing install steam
Fedora being RedHat-based, it is quite possible that it is compatible. In fact, on the very resource linked on the Valve site, the author states in a comment:
Unfortunately it works only in Fedora, RHEL 6 glibc libraries are too ancient, even when using the Ubuntu Steam Runtime. I will eventually add it to the RHEL 7 RPMFusion repository.
Wine / PlayOnLinux
The same Valve page suggests another option, running Steam for Windows under PlayOnLinux. There is a .tar.gz
download that runs on all Linux versions, it just needs Python installed.
A note states Steam needs the Tahome truetype font, and to install it it suggests either
copying it from your windows pc to a flash drive and then putting it in a hidden folder (on your linux pc) named .fonts (you may have to make the folder0 in your root directory
installed using winetricks with the command winetricks tahoma
- The Valve page is apparently from 2009
- I have not tested these procedures on RHEL as I have only Ubuntu and Fedora
I know Google said similar thing about Chrome browser, yet there are ways to install latest Chrome browser on RHEL6. Is there some sort of hack/workarounds to get Steam on *EL6? – alexus – 2013-12-06T04:34:56.017
@alexus I have expanded my answer – That Brazilian Guy – 2013-12-06T08:40:02.407
1Somehow I think its worth pointing out that RHEL has really old and limited packages. You're likely going to have to add the EPEL repo. I suggest you try it, and then work out what packages you need. In a worst case scenario, you may be able to get or compile missing dependancies, but you need to know what they are. – Journeyman Geek – 2013-12-06T09:09:47.077