How to search a custom character in windows?


My current Windows 7 is in English. I have some files transferred from another computer which contains non-english characters. Look at the picture below

enter image description here

Now, I want to delete them all. But writing this character in search box doesn't give the desired files.

enter image description here

How can I delete all the files which includes non-english/non-word characters?

Cihad Turhan

Posted 2013-12-05T19:52:29.177

Reputation: 133



Cihad, PowerShell is probably your best bet here.

I did a little test to find all non-English chars in a folder using the code below

Get-ChildItem c:\TurkishFileNames\ | where-object {$ -match "[^\x00-\x80]+"}

That returns all those non-english file names. You can then pass them to remove-item, but first establish that you are getting the correct names. One wrinkle here is you were talking about 'folder' names, and I tested this with file names.

Still, I believe you can use the same trick. If you have PowerShell 3.0 or 4.0 installed, you can use -directory to display only folder names when using Get-ChildItem:

Get-ChildItem c:\TurkishFolderNames\ -directory

The rest is going to be similar. You can download PowerShell 3.0 or 4.0 from Microsoft (WMF 3.0) (WMF 4.0)

Windows 7 came with PowerShell 2.0, if you will stick with that you can still use the old syntax to get directories only:

Get-ChildItem C:\TurkishFolderNames\ | ? {$_.PsIsContainer -eq $true}

You can then proceed with the rest:

Get-ChildItem C:\TurkishFolderNames\ | ? {$_.PsIsContainer -eq $true} | ? {$ -match "[^\x00-\x80]+"}

Adil Hindistan

Posted 2013-12-05T19:52:29.177

Reputation: 146

That's cool. Actually you forgot to say -r :) also I needed to write characters one by one like [\xb1\xc4] – Cihad Turhan – 2013-12-05T21:09:28.837

1Well, I did not mean the examples to be literal. I have no idea how your folder structure looks. If it is hierarchical, then sure, throw -recursive in there. – Adil Hindistan – 2013-12-05T22:33:42.203


As taken from my good friend Adam here: Can't search by dollar amounts that are in filename.

You may need to wrap your search in the following way:


Michael Frank

Posted 2013-12-05T19:52:29.177

Reputation: 7 412

Unfortunately, it doesn't retrieve any results. If you read the comments below on your link, they already commented this method is not working in anyway. – Cihad Turhan – 2013-12-05T20:12:10.130

The method works, however it did not work for that particular user. I have tested it, and it does work. In your case though I'm not sure what the issue would be... – Michael Frank – 2013-12-05T20:15:27.733

I'll try to find solution on this. Most probably that character belongs to another language so that makes problem. Thanks for the tip. – Cihad Turhan – 2013-12-05T20:17:16.947


A fast way to find files with a specific character is Powershell

dir D:\* -r -include *∓*

You can also use unicode notation: 0x2213 is equivalent to U+2213

$char = [char]0x2213
dir D:\* -r -include *$char*

Btw. using the Windows search does give me correct result with your special characters!
Are you sure you haven't misconfigured something? (My config)

enter image description here


Posted 2013-12-05T19:52:29.177

Reputation: 23 233

Tried, still gave me no results :( It's probably because of encoding. Is there any way to search explicitly define a character like U+2213 – Cihad Turhan – 2013-12-05T20:45:20.227

@CihadTurhan and now? :) – nixda – 2013-12-05T21:36:36.733

Command line unicode works thanks. I tried Adil's answer already. Well, that's interesting. When I write in search box like yours I can't find that any result. I believe it's because that combination of ∓, ÿ etc represnts other characters like ş,ı,ö so it can't find. – Cihad Turhan – 2013-12-05T21:43:25.623

@CihadTurhan I use partial matches and disabled search index. Maybe thats the cause? Can I have your example where it doesn't work for you? – nixda – 2013-12-05T21:44:40.413

Unfortunately not :( I believe it's a language problem. When I type ÅŸ it finds for example ayrac.png but not sÅŸra.png. Thanks for your effort. I'll go with command line. – Cihad Turhan – 2013-12-05T21:49:50.593