Network Drive setup


I have been trying to setup network drive on Windows 8.1 for a Box account. Initially it didn't connect so followed these steps here.

As soon as i enter the registry values(WDNP32,SnacNp,RDPNP,LanmanWorkstation,webclient) the box account gets connected.

But the problem is the registry values gets reverted back to original after a restart.

Why registry is not saving these values? How do i save it permanently?


Ram Kumar

Posted 2013-11-18T12:12:52.473

Reputation: 225

A Box account?

Why not use a logon script with net use? – Austin T French – 2013-11-18T12:25:11.103

@AthomSfere sorry but I don't know what is a logon script. I'm trying to setup a network drive just because the upload via site is too slow.Whereas network drive does so quickly. – Ram Kumar – 2013-11-18T12:27:35.937



I would use a logon script instead of manually messing with the registry.

To do a user profile script:


%userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
  1. Right click, and create a new text file.
  2. Edit the text file to include your mapped drive information.

For example, to map a drive letter M with the current Windows account

net use M: \\serverName\ShareName

If you need to use alternate credentials on the share, use the following format:

net use M: \\ServerName\ShareName /user:UserName yourPassword
  1. Save
  2. Rename the text file to "WhateveryouWant.bat" Make sure the new extension is .bat

Austin T French

Posted 2013-11-18T12:12:52.473

Reputation: 9 766

Is this format correct? net use I: 12345

– Ram Kumar – 2013-11-18T13:16:07.273

There is a space between the i: and the server, and the server and the /user switch but yes. net use I: /user:James 12345 – Austin T French – 2013-11-18T14:08:47.653

Well it didn't work.Thanks anyways – Ram Kumar – 2013-11-18T14:35:53.107

1What did it do? Call it from the command prompt and give me the errors, better yet append the errors to your post. – Austin T French – 2013-11-18T15:00:10.537

Sorry for the delayed reply.It says "System error 67 has occurred" "The network name cannot be found" And the entry is the format you told "net use I: / passphrase"

– Ram Kumar – 2013-11-19T04:53:34.477

Ah, I see whats going on. An https "box"... you kight look at

– Austin T French – 2013-11-19T05:00:17.003

Is there any other solution for this? – Ram Kumar – 2013-11-19T05:28:06.523