Difference between search and nameserver in resolv.conf


I am confused about setting my resolv.conf.

What is the difference between search [DNS server] and nameserver [DNS server]

Do both of those refer to the DNS server?

Aldy syahdeini

Posted 2013-11-09T15:32:50.430

Reputation: 23

2You mark a question as answered by clicking on the small tick under the answer, not by changing the title as SOLVED. – Journeyman Geek – 2013-11-10T05:56:50.580

1Click the white check button under the answer to mark the answer as correct. – Jon – 2013-11-10T05:59:40.577



Search defines which domains shall be searched for partial computer names. Nameserver defines which servers shall be queried. See:http://linux.die.net/man/5/resolv.conf

Mattias Åslund

Posted 2013-11-09T15:32:50.430

Reputation: 1 283

1Please flag the question as answered – Mattias Åslund – 2013-11-09T17:13:09.507