Can't install Parallels Tools on Debian 7.2.0



(Parallels Desktop 9, latest version)

As per instructions, I switch to root:

$ su - root
$ whoami
$ echo $EUID

and then execute the installer:

$ cd /media/cdrom0
$ ./install

and I get this error:

sudo: unable to execute ./install: Permission denied

What? I'm root! What's with this? I double check to make sure the execute bit is set:

$ ls -lA | grep install$
-r-xr-xr-x 1 root root  17284 Oct 25 09:22 install

Yep. People online are saying that you need to drag the install script to the terminal after typing sudo. So I do that, and this command is what's formed:

$ sudo '/media/cdrom0/install'
sudo: unable to execute /media/cdrom0/install: Permission denied

What's the solution here?

Justin Mrkva

Posted 2013-11-09T15:14:20.877

Reputation: 923

1What does file /media/cdrom0/install say? – mpy – 2013-11-09T15:19:19.137

/media/cdrom0/install: ERROR: cannot read '/media/cdrom0/install' (Input/output error) Weird, because before, I had run cat install and it worked fine. Now it fails even after a reboot... – Justin Mrkva – 2013-11-09T15:44:46.647

2Try to copy the whole content of the CD to your HDD: e.g. with cp -r /media/cdrom0 /tmp – mpy – 2013-11-09T16:13:30.587



So I found the solution... this crazy command (well, not so crazy, but obscure).

$ mount -t iso9660 -o exec /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom

Turns out when Debian mounts a CD (virtual CD included of course) it mounts it as non-executable. So manually remounting it specifying exec privileges allowed me to install the tools. It's weird that the non-exec mount prevented me from even reading the files (I tried copying them and got similar errors) but eh, whatever works.

Justin Mrkva

Posted 2013-11-09T15:14:20.877

Reputation: 923


The reason for this is that Parallels mounts the image with "nosuid" option.

Start a terminal, su to root and unmount the image. Remount the image. Start the installer

$ su
$ umount /media/cdrom
$ mount /dev/sr0 /media/cdrom
$ cd /media/cdrom
$ sh installer


Posted 2013-11-09T15:14:20.877

Reputation: 71


10.13.2014: This was extremely helpful!

I've tried the steps noted on Parallels:

The key, for me, was to: • unmount the CD via Parallels: Devices / CD/DVD 1 / Disconnect • remount the CD via Parallels: Devices / CD/DVD 1 / Connect Image... - Search for the prl-tools-lin.iso in: Macintosh HD / Applications / Parallels Desktop / Contents / Resources / Tools / prl-tools-lin.iso • While in Debian, load the Terminal if you haven't done so already • Navigate to the CD as noted above:

$ cd /media/cdrom0

• To make sure things are in order, lets type list to see what's inside the cd (confirming, basically):

$ ls

This should list "install installer install-gui kmods tools version". If you don't see this, you'll have to try and remount the disk. I'd suggest doing the first couple of steps via Parallels. If it works as it should, let's go ahead and copy the files to your home directory:

$ sudo cp -r /media/cdrom0 /home/***<USERNAME>***/Downloads/

I did the Downloads folder instead of tmp folder as noted above because I could not get into the tmp folder even as root. Downloads at least lets me go in, delete and confirm all via the gui if I get lazy.

• Once done, let's confirm that the cp took place:

$ cd /home/***<USERNAME>***/Downloads/cdrom0/
$ ls

• You should be able to see the following if it worked out:

install installer install-gui kmods tools version

If everything is still going according to what I've noted above, then let's go ahead and install Parallels Tools: No need to get out of the folder you're in. Therefore, if you've been doing most of what I've noted, you should be in the Downloads folder or the folder which you copied the files to. Let's run the installer:

$ sudo ./install

It will ask you for your password due sudo; let's go ahead and do so. If all went well, you should see your terminal turning into a greyish/blue sceen w. Parallels Tools Installer (tried to upload an image but I'm still new here - sorry)

Hope this helps. I know I've read several sites and spent different parts of my weekend trying to get this running.


Posted 2013-11-09T15:14:20.877

Reputation: 41

So, does this actually resolve the issue (answer the question)? – CharlieRB – 2014-10-13T15:44:20.983

It did for me. Now I can go from Debian to MacOSX 10.10 or 10.9 without any issues so far. – JoorMomz – 2014-10-14T02:44:42.243


To make your disk or image executable you have to edit the /etc/fstab file. Normally in the last line you will find something like udf,iso9660 user,noauto. Remove the noautoand insert instead exec. Remount your disk or image and now you can execute the commands from a terminal window.


Posted 2013-11-09T15:14:20.877

Reputation: 21