Chart Categories: How To Combine X-Axis Categories


The Task

I'm putting together a dashboard wherein I'm building several charts. I've attempted to use a pivot chart (2D line chart) to pull data from two different pivots (with the same source data). However, that didn't work. So I've begun to try to achieve the same goal using a regular line chart.

The Issue

See the below picture for what I'm trying to accomplish:
enter image description here

Notice the quarters are grouped by year. This is how the pivot chart grouped the categories.

Now see below for what I'm able to accomplish with a regular line chart: enter image description here

Notice how the years won't group together. I've tried messing with the category settings, but to no avail.

Is there something easy I'm missing here? Shouldn't I be able to mimic a pivot chart with a regular one? Any advice will be appreciated.


Posted 2013-11-07T00:40:02.843

Reputation: 172



Sorry everyone... I know this is super soon, but I just figured it out.

This is how my data was set up before:
enter image description here

When I changed the data to this setup it worked:
enter image description here

The final product:
enter image description here


Posted 2013-11-07T00:40:02.843

Reputation: 172