The bad thing about Flash video was that it required a third-party plugin to play the content. The good thing was I could select which content to play; using the click-to-play feature in Firefox and Chrome.
But now that HTML5 video is getting popular, I see a lot of ads popping into view again. They are not only a distraction, they hog resources on my computer and make the fans spin full speed.
Is there a way to disable HTML5 audio/video content by default, and enable it only selectively?
@kinokijuf HTML5 is not just a buzzword— it's a collection of technologies that adhere to formal specs put out by the W3C, found here: http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/ . Likewise, “_HTML5 audio/video_” are specific standards for encoding audio & video and presenting them in web browsers (using HTML5's
– Slipp D. Thompson – 2015-07-24T20:01:14.217<audio>
tags). More information on HTML5 audio & video on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML5_Audio / https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML5_video3
“HTML5” is a buzzword. Please specify what you want to disable.
It’s pretty clear (if you actually bothered to read the question, especially the second and last lines) what he wanted/wants to disable: HTML5 video and audio elements. – Synetech – 2015-07-25T01:01:15.270