Any good (free) video tutorials on the basics of Adobe Premier Elements?


I purchased a copy of Adobe Premier Elements with my computer earlier this year and haven't spent more than a few minutes working with it since. I want to perform some basic editing of home videos but always feel somewhat lost when using Elements. Does anyone know of any good video tutorials?


Kevin Babcock

Posted 2009-11-06T04:16:49.840

Reputation: 209

By the way it's Adobe Premiere Elements not Adobe Premier Elements. – Sim – 2009-11-06T05:34:30.683



I usually start at YouTube when I'm looking for videos.

Joe Internet

Posted 2009-11-06T04:16:49.840

Reputation: 5 145

Good suggestion...not sure why I never thought to look there. I found plenty of good videos. I also discovered Adobe TV (, which I didn't know existed either. – Kevin Babcock – 2009-11-09T02:31:05.233

Yeah, I know, it almost seems too obvious. But there is some really cool stuff on YouTube. – Joe Internet – 2009-11-09T02:55:55.510