Aiming to have a large internal HDD to store files, and several OSes on separate disks. They all need to read and write to one storage drive.
Ubuntu (13.04+)
Mac OSX (10.8+)
Windows (7+)
What format should the drive be? Would like to avoid buying third party software, here's what I have discerned so far:
- NTFS - Can't be written to by Mac without buying third party software?
- ext3 - Windows can't read, third party software in development. Mac has OSXFUSE
- HFS+ - Buy third party and/or faff around to get working on windows
- exFAT - Cross platform, but breaks MS patents?
possible duplicate of Cross-platform file system, http://superuser.com/questions/235753/filesystem-to-use-for-external-hard-drive-to-be-used-with-mac-linux-and-windows?lq=1, http://superuser.com/questions/105485/what-is-a-file-system-which-has-r-w-on-all-major-oses?lq=1
– Ƭᴇcʜιᴇ007 – 2013-10-26T15:31:04.313