Trying to access Libraries folder with cygwin



I saved some files in

Libraries -> Documents

on windows 7 and I try to access to those files with cygwin.

Where is that folder Documents ?

I've looked under /cygdrive/c/Users/my_user/ but I don't find my files.

Libraries -> Documents

Luc M

Posted 2013-10-25T15:25:20.447

Reputation: 192



By default, the local "Documents" library is actually the combination of two folders - a private folder for the user and a public folder for all users on the computer. Try the following Cygwin folder paths for a hypothetical user "jdoe".

  • /cygdrive/c/Users/Public/Documents
  • /cygdrive/c/Users/jdoe/Documents

If you look in both locations, you should find all items visible in your "Documents" library. If your network policy is using document redirection, or other remote document folder techniques, then the user folder may be on a remote machine - sounds like you're using a default local folder setup though.

If for some reason your personal "Documents" path is not the default, it will be revealed by the following command. Even though this is a Windows command, it will work in the Cygwin shell.

reg query "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders" /v "Personal"


Posted 2013-10-25T15:25:20.447

Reputation: 502

1Nice! I didn't know that you could query the registry from cygwin. – Luc M – 2013-10-25T17:20:09.310

1I found my files into /cygdrive/c/Users/Public/Documents. Thanks! – Luc M – 2013-10-25T17:20:31.903


It's a bit tricky, because it's hidden in the AppData but the actual "real" path is:


And the path of the Libraryonly is of course:



Posted 2013-10-25T15:25:20.447

Reputation: 6 571

It's a XML file, not a folder. The folder Libraries contains desktop.ini, Documents.library-ms, Music.library-ms, Pictures.library-ms and Videos.library-ms – Luc M – 2013-10-25T15:35:20.453