I'm looking for a way to map an sFTP connection to a Windows (Vista) drive. In other words, a tool that would add a new drive (let's say N:) to my computer, that would directly point to my remote server via sFTP.
That way, "N:\my_dir\file.txt" would actually be something like "/home/user/my_dir/file.txt" on the remote server. Reading the file on Windows would download it, and writing content in it would upload it...network transfers being made via sFTP.
I'm aware of Novell NetDrive, but it has various issues with long filenames, and seems to corrupt UTF-8 files content depending on the BOM. Do you know about any reliable alternative ?
Thanks !
Edit : I have complete control of the remote server, except that it's remote enough for me not to be able to physically access it.
1You might find more answers at serverfault, but I'm not even sure this is easily possible. – None – 2009-11-05T18:35:54.047
Do you have control in the remote server? Can you install packages and stuff? – GmonC – 2009-11-06T00:17:11.643
I have complete control of the remote server, except that it's remote enough for me not to be able to physically access it. – Nicolas – 2009-11-06T21:07:56.943