Apple Time Machine with Netatalk: Don't have sufficient privileges


I followed these instructions

But I stopped at the very last step. I am asked twice to give user/pass: First, when I connect to the shared "TimeMachine Pi" (all good);

enter image description here

Then, after adding the RPi as capsule I am told

enter image description here

This is my configuration file

; Netatalk 3.x configuration file

; Global server settings
; Name of your computer in apple devices network
hostname = TimeMachine Pi
; IP of your Pi
afp listen =
; logging config
log file = /var/log/netatalk.log
log level = default:info

basedir regex = /home
cnid scheme = dbd
; Display each user home directory in this format
home name = Home: $u

[Time Machine]
; Our Time Machine volume
path = /mnt/TimeMachine
cnid scheme = dbd
file perm = 0660
directory perm = 0770
time machine = yes


Posted 2013-10-21T04:09:33.170

Reputation: 353



I just stumbled over a similar issue. In my case I forgot to make the directory on the server writable for the user that I was logging in with.

You can try making it group writable for your users:

$ chgrp users /mnt/TimeMachine
$ chmod g+rwX /mnt/TimeMachine


Posted 2013-10-21T04:09:33.170

Reputation: 101