File type associations on OS X for Citrix Online Plugin


I would like to associate .ICA files with Citrix online plugin, which is positioned at /Library/Application\ Support/Citrix/Citrix\ online\

How to do it?

The problem is, in the "Open with" menu I can select only apps in /Application folder!

(NOTE: unfortunately OS X thinks .ICA files belongs to iPhoto, which is not my case)


Posted 2013-10-17T11:52:08.307

Reputation: 103



I'm running Mtn Lion and can navigate to any folder in the Open With dialog box--you need to hit the button at the top, to the left of the search box. You can then navigate to your HD->Library folder. Once you select the citrix app, be sure to check Always Open With (near the bottom)

Alternate method: select any ica file, hit command-i, find the Open With section, navigate to the Citrix app, then click Change All.


Posted 2013-10-17T11:52:08.307

Reputation: 1 316

You are absolutely right: I must have been drunk when I tried to do it! ;) – Hobbes – 2013-10-19T12:31:22.487