I have a Crystal Report that is exported as data only into excel to create a flat file. The issue is that the way the data is returned in crystal, it returns a record that looks like this:
Date PT/ ID/ Case Type/ pt arrives /pt on table/ start/ end /out of room/ procedures/doctor
10/14/2013 12345 diagnostic cath 5:15 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:15 left heart cath dr. bob
Coronary Angio
Arch Angiography
I need to get everything for the patient on to one row.
The procedures return in a list format. The issue is that every patient has a different set of procedures and they are done in different sequence so I can't assign a seq# to each procedures or say grab first 4 procedures and put in single row. Pivot is not working and Concatenate each record takes too long.
This is done on a weekly basis and could involve hundred or so records. Using Excel 2002(?) and Crystal 9