How do I add a resolution on Lubuntu 13.04?


Current resolution is 1920x1080. I would like to adjust to 1600x900 resolution, but it is not an option in the Display Settings.

How can I set my resolution to 1600x900?


Posted 2013-10-12T08:03:41.030

Reputation: 113



Use LXDE to change resolution of lubuntu,

Steps to be followed :

1)open up the terminal

2)Open up your default text editor hear considering leafpad from terminal

sudo leafpad /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE/autostart

3)Sample command would be like this

xrandr --auto --output DVI-1 --primary --mode 1680x1050 --left-of DVI-0

The commands explanation is as follows :

–auto : enables connected devices in their preferred mode

–output DVI-1 : selects the output device to modify

–primary : specifies the selected device as primary

–mode : sets a specific mode for the output device

–left-of DVI-0 : sets position of the devide to “left of” another device (DVI-0)

write a autostart file like this :

Now add your commands to the bottom of the file adding a @ before the actual command

@xscreensaver -no-splash
@lxpanel --profile LXDE
@pcmanfm --desktop --profile LXDE
@xrandr --auto --output DVI-1 --primary --mode 1600x900 --left-of DVI-0

Reboot your computer to make changes effect.

For additional reference you could refer here

BlueBerry - Vignesh4303

Posted 2013-10-12T08:03:41.030

Reputation: 7 221

Took me forever to figure this out. I had to use eDP1 in the places where you put DVI-1. DVI-1 is not a thing on my laptop. – rtconner – 2013-10-14T01:07:24.990