Windows 7 - use [Win key] + Space for Switch Language



In windows 8, I love how I can switch to Japanese input by pressing [Win key] + [space bar].

Can I do this in Windows 7 without auto hotkey or special programs?

IT Consultant

Posted 2013-10-11T23:06:06.890

Reputation: 101

You mean instead of the default Alt + Shift? – Austin T French – 2013-10-11T23:45:34.923



  1. your default switch language shortcut should be 'Shift'+'Ctrl'
  2. download Autohotkey (
  3. install and run it
  4. right click by icon in tray menu -> 'Edit This Script'
  5. remove or comment (each comment line started with ';') existed script
  6. copy-paste this:

#Space:: WinWait, Program Manager, Send, {CTRLDOWN}{SHIFTDOWN}{SHIFTUP}{CTRLUP}

  1. save changes and close editor
  2. if autohotkey program not running after restart, you should manually added it to autorun


Posted 2013-10-11T23:06:06.890

Reputation: 131

Cannot even launch Autohotkey. script not found just after installation lol – Даниил Пронин – 2015-12-10T01:10:50.917

But the question was specifically WITHOUT "autohotkey"... – ankostis – 2018-09-28T05:40:03.237


Go to start -> Type Language -> Change Keyboard or other Input Languages -> Go to the Keyboards and Languages Tab, and choose change keyboards. -> Change Key sequence...

But, it appears that key sequence is not supported / present.

enter image description here

Austin T French

Posted 2013-10-11T23:06:06.890

Reputation: 9 766

5This is the reason of the question itself, Capitan Obvious. – Даниил Пронин – 2015-12-10T01:05:21.607