What plugin allows me to see which .dat files a webpage is accessing?


I recall using a chrome or firefox extension that pulled up a little bar at the bottom of my browser that showed the adress of the .dat file whenever a webpage I was on accessed it. Does anyone know the name of this, or a similar, plugin?

Benjamin Lindqvist

Posted 2013-10-11T20:03:50.077

Reputation: 361



Live HTTP Headers for FireFox will show you all the URLs that a page has accessed. You can put in a filter in the options to only show the .dat files.

Chrome has similar functionality built in. There is a network tab on the developer console that shows all the resources that a page uses. There is no filter for it to show only .dat files.

Stephen Ostermiller

Posted 2013-10-11T20:03:50.077

Reputation: 437